Comfort Food

Comfort Food
Dinner is served

“What’s a food or dish you remember from your childhood that makes you feel most at home, most comforted?”

The question came from my oldest son’s girlfriend as we tucked into dinner. At the table sat my son, his beautiful girlfriend, some family friends, and new friends of mine my son had never met but was eager to know. 

We came from different backgrounds, countries, cultures, experiences. Yet, the generous question immediately resonated with us all.

We went around the table - laughing as we recounted favorite meals, tearing up as we remembered those who provided them but were no longer with us, leaning in and asking questions as we heard about places and foods we hadn’t experienced for ourselves.

Each story was different - unique to the person, their memories and what those memories meant to them. But we were united in our shared emotional experiences of feeling loved and comforted.

The curiosity was genuine. The delight was palpable.

I’ve never felt more at home.