
Photo by Grant Ritchie / Unsplash

Everyone says my youngest son is lucky. 

When he was in high school, he could leave 10 minutes before class began and somehow manage to park right in front of the building. He still does that - drives right up to the place he wants to go and, more often than not, finds an open space. “Might as well try it!” he’ll say cheerfully.

He’s full of stories about amazing magical things happening to him, or things he learned, because of conversations with random strangers. He talks to everybody and every day brings a new adventure as a result. He’s always saying, “I met the nicest person…”

From the moment he was born, he has greeted the world with a smile in his eyes and arms stretched out in an embrace. The world opens up for him in return.

One of my favorite things to do is follow behind him into that world. To experience life unfurling for someone who is open and eager to take part in it.

Guess that makes me the lucky one.